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1x6 - Attack on Titan: Junior High

Love Letter! Titan Junior High School

Poster della serie Attack on Titan: Junior High

Jean finds a love letter in his locker and begins to fantasize about who it might be from. Annie approaches him in class, and a similar letter falls from her pocket, but she runs away before he can ask her about it. Later, they find her putting the letter in his locker; when Jean opens it, he finds a message asking him to meet at the park, and runs off. Annie then arrives at the park, and reveals that the letter was not from her, but from a Titan who fell in love with Jean after he gave her food as a distraction while he and Marco fled. Much to his classmates' horror, Jean refuses to accept reality, instead, convincing himself that the Titan is a normal girl. He soon comes to his senses, however, and rejects her; she smashes him into the ground and runs away, vowing not to give up. Sasha tries to console him by pretending that two pieces of food are girls who want to date him, and he retreats into fantasy. The others go home, leaving Marco to wait for Jean to come to his senses.

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8 Novembre 2015
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