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2x9 - Jem

The Music Awards (2)

Poster della serie Jem

As Jerrica and the others continue their search for the girls, The Misfits stage a publicity stunt to garner more attention toward their appearance at the Music Awards. Deidre, Krissy, Ba Nee and their new friend, Danny run afoul of a couple of thugs, who force Danny to steal from a local electronics store for them. They manage to escape and are directed to Haven House, where Danse finds them and brings them to the concert. Techrat tries to disrupt the concert with a jamming device, but Danny catches him in the act. Meanwhile, the Misfits win for Best Musical Group and Pizzazz plans to gloat to Jem about the win, so they drive to the concert, only to find the audience cheering the performance. Pizzazz, silenced by the overwhelming sense of goodwill the concert has created, doesn't notice her award slip out of her hand to the floor, where it smashes into a hundred pieces.

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20 Settembre 1986
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