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4x1 - Heartbreak High

Episode 92

Poster della serie Heartbreak High

It's muck-up day at Hartley High. Last days before exams and the kids are looking forward to a taste of freedom for a day... Headmistress Dyson, however, has different ideas since she's found out that Education Department representative, Don Summers is dropping in for a visit. She's determined to have Hartley looking spotless and orderly... She has suggested the kids hold a cricket game. But this hasn't exactly got the kids enthused. Dani, meanwhile is nervous about the future. What will it bring, where is she going? She suggests the kids bury a time capsule to hold momentos that reflect where they are now. Katerina has a party, and since everyone is talking about their future, she decides they'll have a ""Victor the Predictor"" at the party. Everyone has to choose a name and guess what that kid will be doing what in 10 years time. This proves to have disastrous results, especially for Matt. Matt's future is already changing with the appearance of Sonny Bates, a guy who was expelle

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3 Febbraio 1997
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