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1x1 - The Real Housewives of Potomac

Mind Your Manners

Poster della serie The Real Housewives of Potomac

Welcome to Potomac, where proper etiquette is key, and breaking the rules comes with serious consequences. At a birthday party celebrating Karen Huger, grande dame of Potomac high society, Gizelle Bryant’s lack of manners puts the two divas into a battle for supremacy. And as if that wasn’t enough, Gizelle is under fire from Charrisse Jackson Jordan, for acting not very lady like in her plush home. International model Katie Rost, a divorced socialite with three toddlers, is doing everything in her power to get her boyfriend to put a ring on it. Meanwhile, Robyn Dixon, who lives with her ex-husband, former NBA star Juan Dixon, must decide if she wants to rekindle her relationship with her ex.

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17 Gennaio 2016
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