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1x1 - Thirteen Steps Down

Episode 1

Poster della serie Thirteen Steps Down

Part one of a two-part psychological thriller. Mix Cellini is an attractive and deceptively charming young man with a disturbed past who rents the top floor of a dilapidated Notting Hill residence. St Blaise House is also where Gwendolen Chawcer - a lonely spinster in her mid-70s has lived all her life, looked after by the only friends she has ever had, Olive and Queenie. There Gwendolen nurses the memory of her long-lost and only true love Dr Stephen Reeves, whom she believes was mistakenly connected to serial killer John Reginald Christie years before. When Gwendolen discovers that Stephen's wife has died, she attempts to make contact again. Meanwhile Mix has two compelling obsessions - Christie himself, and supermodel Nerissa Nash whom he is stalking. Fantasy and reality merge as long pent-up violence is released and Mix begins to inhabit the spirit of the long-dead murderer.

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13 Agosto 2012
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