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1x1 - Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World

Guess Who's Coming for Quiche?

Poster della serie Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World

Rick and Steve are the happiest gay couple in West Lahunga Beach! At least they would be, if it weren’t for the fact that their life is all quiche, Pussy and internet download sex videos, but none too much of the piggy-daddy, rampant romps. Their favourite same-sex partnership friends are coming ‘round for quiche; lesbians Kirsten and Dana (with the usual baba ghanouj surprise in hand, whatever that is), and Chuck and Evan (replete with “differently-abled” Chuck’s complicated medication cocktail). Kirsten wants Rick as a sperm donor – after all, conservatives and crack whores shouldn’t be the only ones making babies – although Dana is insisting on the turkey baster method. Not everything goes to plan (Steve is pushing for a threesome, and the girls’ complicated back-up cruising plan results in online deception and penis-centric disappointment).

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10 Luglio 2007
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