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1x1 - Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy Begins

Poster della serie Couples Therapy

From the producers of "Celebrity Rehab with Dr Drew," "Couples Therapy" is the first reality show to examine firsthand the real life experiences of a group of buzzed-about couples. For some of these couples, living under constant scrutiny from the media and fans makes it increasingly hard for them to stay together and VH1 wants to see why they can't seem to go the distance. These five couples at a crossroads in their relationships will join together for 21 days as they undergo intensive relationship therapy. Under the guidance of Dr. Jenn Berman, a nationally renowned relationship therapist, the couples will participate in group and individual therapy along with relationship exercises out in the "real world" to see if they can rekindle the love they used to have for one another -- or if it's simply time for them to move on.

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23 Marzo 2012
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