Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - Ore no Kawaii wa Mousugu Shohikigen!?


Poster della serie Ore no Kawaii wa Mousugu Shohikigen!?

Episode 1.  On stage at a beer manufacturer's new product launch event, a man - Kosuke Marutani (Ryosuke Yamada), 29, is all the camera flashes. He has used his natural 'cuteness' as a weapon, and when called upon in his studies, work or love, he has returned the favour with 120% perfection. At this new product launch event, he is also attracting more attention than the celebrities... Kosuke is even interviewed for a story, and as he rushes to the lift, an old man (Arata Furuta) happens to get on and as soon as he sees Kosuke's face, he says, "He's super cute! He begins to writhe in agony. The next moment, however, the old man leaves with a sad expression on his face...

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16 Aprile 2022
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