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1x1 - Rave Master

The Rave Master, Part 1

Poster della serie Rave Master

This episode opens up with a flashback 50 years ago with a guy fighting a monster with a pink crystal-like front. We then go to the present where we see a boy named Haru in Hip Hop City looking for something called Plue. He goes into a casino where he meets a girl, Elie, who's playing and Haru accidently messes up her roulette game. She get's mad so she uses her weapons to tear down the casino. Later, she runs into members of the Shadow Guard, an evil organization. She finds Plue then decides to take him. She runs into Shadow Guard again and they take Plue thinking he's a dog and taking it to a dog track. She goes to watch then helps him from almost getting hurt. Haru then comes in then fights a Shadow Guard who has a crystal and can use carbon monoxide as a weapon. He takes him down eventually and they are escaping from the city.

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13 Ottobre 2001
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