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1x1 - Happiness Charge Precure!

Love is the Best! The Birth of Cure Lovely!

Poster della serie Happiness Charge Precure!

As Pretty Cures all over the world fight against Saiarks, minions of the evil Phantom Empire led by Queen Mirage, Himelda "Hime" Window, also known as Cure Princess, feels downhearted after losing yet again to the Saiark, having to be bailed out by another Cure named Cure Fortune. Blue, the god of the universe, gives Hime a Crystal of Love so that she can find a partner to fight alongside her. Excited to be able to have a friend, Hime decides to randomly throw the crystal to decide her partner, which randomly lands on a girl named Megumi Aino. Hime, along with her fairy partner Ribbon, follows Megumi as she goes about her shopping, helping others when they're in trouble.

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2 Febbraio 2014
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