Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - The Family

Episode 1

Poster della serie The Family

The table is the only place that reminds the Soykans that they are 'family'. On that day, while a table was being set up for the whole family to gather, Aslan flew to Izmir to solve one of the 'dark' affairs to his uncle. The paths of psychologist Devin and Aslan cross in this journey. Devin is also going to Izmir to deal with a new trouble that his sister got into. It's very clear that they are people of different worlds. But it doesn't take long for them to discover their common 'wound'; their families. From the very first night, Aslan breaks a very important rule of the Soykan Constitution for Devin. This is enough for his mother, Hülya, to realize the great danger that is coming; Devin. Hülya's job, who has already shown many times that she can do everything to keep her son from leaving the family, will not be as easy as before. The encounter on the plane to Izmir will be only the beginning of the difficult road that our wounded heroes will take to establish their own families.

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7 Marzo 2023
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