Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - The Bronx Zoo

Signs of Life

Poster della serie The Bronx Zoo

Joe prepares for his first day as the new principal of Benjamin Harrison High School, but not before agreeing to undergo marriage counseling with his wife, Carol. Mary Caitlin's motorcycle is stolen by a punk, who rides it right out of the school. Joe overhears that the previous principal had a nervous breakdown. Gus, believing Jack is to be promoted to principal, tries unsuccessfully to persuade Jack to let him teach science. Jack believes it himself and begins preparing for his new duties before finding out the bad news. After observing things, Joe concludes that most of the school's problems can be attributed to the teachers, so he holds a faculty meeting and threatens the others to do their jobs -- or else. A board official, Connie, warns Joe that the complaints are racking up against him and he should keep a lower profile. Joe doesn't listen, and continues to tick off the faculty members with his ""improvements,"" then stirs up the hornet's nest by assigning Harry and Sara to work o

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19 Marzo 1987
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