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1x1 - Farewell Letter

Episode 1

Poster della serie Farewell Letter

Alanur chooses her love, not her career, in the craziest and most uncalculated age of her youth. She stands behind her love at the expense of confronting his family, his father. Ziya leaves her unexpectedly and turns Alanur's heart into ice. Alanur consents to the marriage her father wanted. This marriage gives Alanur two daughters. Alanur places all her hopes on her second daughter, Aslı. It is a great source of pride for Alanur that Aslı was accepted to one of the most important universities in France. Mehmet does not believe in love. Asli is a girl full of life. Unlike her older sister, she is unmanageable, and rebellious, and wants to establish her own life. Therefore, she reminds Alanur of her youth. Although she is chasing her dream of France in order not to deal with Alanur she does not want to go at all. In fact, the lion in her heart is not to study law in France, but to become a dancer. In an accident, the paths of Mehmet and Aslı cross.

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27 Febbraio 2023
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