Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - Wild Heart

Episode 1

Poster della serie Wild Heart

Yaman, who has struggled to survive on the streets for as long as he can remember, has established a family for himself with Cesur, Asi and Umut, whom he crossed paths with when he was a child. Unaware of why and how they ended up on the streets , these four young people chose to leave their childhood traumas behind and hold on to each other. They are happy despite the difficult life conditions they live in. Their only concern is Umut's treatment. They pinned their hopes on a foreign doctor advertised as the "Miracle Doctor" so that Umut could walk . At the end of a routine day of collecting paper, Yaman meets Rüya and Alaz and finds himself in a strange journey. He is unaware that this little adventure he embarked on to help these two spoiled young people will take him back to his lost childhood...

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12 Settembre 2023
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