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1x1 - The Last Empress

Episode 1

Poster della serie The Last Empress

Zeynep teaches at a private school founded by the Beyoğlu family, one of the richest in the country. When she is late on the first day of school, she has the opportunity to talk to Onur Beyoğlu, whom she admires. This encounter results in Onur's nephew Kaan being assigned to Zeynep's class. Zeynep inevitably forms a bond with the Beyoğlu family. Zeynep's ordinary life takes a different turn when she is caught in the middle of an assassination attempt on Onur's life, and the vortex she cannot prevent will take her to places she never imagined. On the road where she finds herself in the middle of the night to help Onur, she witnesses a great secret, unaware of the events that await her. And this secret will change everyone's lives irrevocably.

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3 Dicembre 2023
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