Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - Zatch Bell!

The Lightning Boy from Another World

Poster della serie Zatch Bell!

Kiyo is a junior high student who's a genius, yet repeatedly cuts his classes because he is literally smarter than most teachers in the school. Meanwhile, in a forest in England, Kiyo's archaeologist father discovers a Mamado child named Zatch, who has no memory of who he is or of his past. Kiyo's father sends Zatch to Kiyo as a sort of mentor. However, Kiyo doesn't take kindly to Zatch's efforts. The 14-year-old pulls a prank on the boy by saying he'll rescue Zatch from the schoolyard bully. Even as Zatch is pummeled by the bully, Zatch continues to stick up for Kiyo. Kiyo finally steps out from behind a door to aid Zatch, and basically gets his butt kicked. Then out of the blue, a skateboarder rides onto the roof with another kid like Zatch on his shoulder and, somehow, blows away the bully. Literally. The skateboarder, Eido, attempts to claim Susie, Zatch's newly-found friend and Kiyo's childhood friend, as his prize. Zatch and Kiyo are both overwhelmed by anger, and with the help o

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6 Aprile 2003
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