Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - Last Exile

First Move

Poster della serie Last Exile

The episode starts with Tatiana who flies with her Vanship inside the Grand Sream looking for Disith ships as they prepare for a confrontation. Meanwhile, Claus and Lavie vanship two pilots are preparing for a race. Before qualifying races however Claus and Lavie decide to take a job. They must deliver a message to Duke Madossein by his wife. In addition they also choose to personally hand over a message from her daughter. Madossein Duke is a master of the fleet Anatory, so Claus and Lavie are forced to deliver a message in the middle of a firefight between Anatory and Disith vessels. In the clash we see Fusilier Moran for the first time in action. The episode ends with Claus and Lavie who climb on the ship the commander Duke Madossein.

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7 Aprile 2003
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