Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - Rosemary & Thyme

And No Birds Sing

Poster della serie Rosemary & Thyme

Rosemary Boxer goes to visit her friend Daniel Kellaway, who suffers from eczema, to receive a cash grant for her university but is asked by him to investigate the dying trees in the grounds of his mansion home. Laura Thyme has left her home after being cheated on by her husband and goes to see her friend Sam, who is later killed in a car accident whilst driving home one night. After meeting one another and forming a firm friendship, Rosemary and Laura begin to investigate into the accident and the dying trees. Later on, after being fired from her university, Rosemary is shocked to discover Daniel on the ground having fallen from his bedroom window, moments after spotting his housekeeper prowling the grounds with a knife. The duo then visit Daniel in hospital where they are surprised to find that his eczema is getting better, despite not using his prescribed medication...

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31 Agosto 2003
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