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1x1 - The Bachelorette

Week 1

Poster della serie The Bachelorette

In the season premiere, we meet the Bachelorette, Trista, and learn about her past, who she is, and what makes her so special. Trista then hosts a cocktail party and is introduced to the 25 men hoping to become her husband for the first time. By the end of the evening, she faces the daunting task of selecting 15 whom she would like to know better, and presents each one with a single red rose. But at this point and at every point thereafter, the men can either accept or decline the Bachelorette's invitation to continue on the journey. After much deliberation, Trista offered a rose to Russell, Greg T., Ryan, Brian C., Brook, Michael, Brian S., Jack, Charlie, Josh, Brian H., Jamie, Rob, Jeff, and Bob. The men who accepted the rose will now move into a bachelor pad for much of their courtship with the Bachelorette.

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8 Gennaio 2003
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