Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - Laid-Back Camp

Mount Fuji and Curry Noodles

Poster della serie Laid-Back Camp

A girl named Rin Shima comes to a campsite in Motosuko, facing opposite Mount Fuji, to spend the day camping. While setting up a campfire, Rin notices a peculiar girl sleeping by the public restroom, but thinks nothing of it. Later on in the night, Rin once again comes across the girl, Nadeshiko Kagamihara, who had gotten herself lost after just moving to a new house, and shares her curry noodles with her before they both get a clear view of Mount Fuji. After eventually managing to get her sister to pick her up, Nadeshiko leaves Rin with her phone number in the hopes of camping with her once again. A few days later, Nadeshiko begins attending her new school, which Rin also attends.

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4 Gennaio 2018
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