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1x1 - Pink Panther and Pals

Pink Up The Volume/Zeus Juice/A Pink and Stormy Night

Poster della serie Pink Panther and Pals

Pink Up The Volume: Big Nose wants to spend his day with quiet hobbies like assembling his ship in a bottle, stamp collecting, and pottery, but neighbor Pink Panther makes the task difficult as he plays various music instruments in his garage. Even calling the police won't help as they manage to join Pinky to form a band. As a last resort, Big Nose takes his dog with him to the furthest, most isolated cabin he can think of. But even that doesn't work since his dog enjoys music and manages to get the stuffed animals in the cabin animated enough to join him in a jam session as well. Zeus Juice: Aardvark is out of shape and finds himself too worn out to chase Ant. He returns to his cave where he develops various energy drinks to give him the necessary boost to chase Ant in the jungle. However, increased speed, laser vision, powerful nostril suction, and even boosted intelligence aren't enough to get the better of the crafty Ant. Aardvark actually catches him the old fashion way.

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7 Marzo 2010
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