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1x1 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Hair Today, Art Tomorrow: Brian Butch Schepel

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

The first episode of a new series and it comes off spectacularly. Carson immediately assumes the position of leader of the 'fab five' and is easily the most humorous of the the group, while fans of Jai's are eager to hear more from this outspoken individual. After remarking on the absence of styling products in his bathroom Kyan brings Butch to the barber's for his only haircut in the past nine years. After a new haircut, a new wardrobe and an almost new apartment Butch is ready for a lesson in cooking from Ted Allen, the Chicago native. Jai finally seems excited when he is allowed to present his mock art gallery opening and is even happier when an art critic offers his business card to Butch at the opening.

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15 Luglio 2003
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