Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - The Amazing Race

The Race Begins

Poster della serie The Amazing Race

The teams begin in New York. They need to travel to Johannesburg, South Africa. Cooperation problems surface early on with a few of the couples. The teams have to decide which airport to take to the destination. Once they arrive in South Africa, they must take yet another flight. Before ultimately get to Songwe Village, they must find beautiful Victoria Falls. From there, they must get to Knife's Edge, a cliff. There, they must bungee jump and glide across a rope, eventually getting to the other side. The Pit Stop is located in Songwe Village. Rob and Brennan obtain the Fast Forward near Victoria Falls, allowing them to avoid all other tasks and go straight to the Pit Stop. Matt and Ana are the last to arrive and are eliminated.

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5 Settembre 2001
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