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1x1 - Superman

Superman Comes to Earth.

Poster della serie Superman

Jor-El tries to persuade Krypton’s science council that the planet is being pulled towards its sun, causing gravitational pressure that will soon destroy the planet. They vote against his proposition to make an armada of spaceships to get away from the planet. He sends his child, Kal-El to Earth on an experimental spaceship. On Earth the infant, Kal-El is discovered and adopted by by Mary and Eben Kent, who name him Clark. As Clark grows, it becomes evident that he has incredible superpowers. As an adult, his adoptive parents die and he leaves the ranch for Metropolis, where his abilities will be the most helpful to mankind. Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane are on their way to cover a story for the Daily Planet newspaper. Clark sees their train hurtling towards a broken rail. He changes to Superman and prepares for action.

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5 Gennaio 1948
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