Pagina dell'episodio'

1x10 - Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow

Slight Fever

Poster della serie Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow

As a result of constantly getting up early to help clean, Ohana collapses with a fever and is told to rest for the day. Tōru makes her some porridge and becomes slightly enamoured by her solemn appearance. Minko starts to become a bit jealous of the attention Tōru gives to Ohana. As various members visit Ohana and tell her to stay in bed, Ohana gets a strange dream where she is at the temple and Kō appears telling her to come back, Kissuisō doesn't need her. There is a little girl and a young fox hiding while watching Ohana. This dream worries Ohana about whether the Kissuisō even needs her. However, just as she is writing out a text to Kōichi about possibly going home, Minko and Nako convince her that she's still needed. She falls asleep and finds herself in the dream again where she tells Kō that she wants to stay at Kissuisō. The little girl and the young fox can still be seen watching her during the dream.

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5 Giugno 2011
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