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1x10 - Rental Magica

Tears of the Homunculus

Poster della serie Rental Magica

Lapis uses her basilisk eye to steal Itsuki's sight, preventing him from using his Glamsight. However, she retreats after Adilisia arrives, and Adilisia dispels Lapis' spell. Elsewhere, Honami awakens in Tholoide's lab surrounded by a barrier, and Tholoide reveals the item the Association was holding was Tsukasa Iba's grimoire. Itsuki plans an assault on Tholoide's headquarters, and Honami, realizing Itsuki is coming, desperately tries to break the barrier using a spell with her blood, but Adilisia's arrival makes it unnecessary. Itsuki confronts Tholoide, who easily defeats the Astral members with the basilisk eye he took from Lapis. Honami and Adilisia arrive, and Tholoide transforms Lapis into a basilisk to fight them. Itsuki manages to resist the eye's effect, revealing his Glamsight. He frees Lapis, telling Tholoide that as president, he can only aspire to be the best he can. Later at the Astral mansion, they receive a letter from Lapis and Tholoide, who reveals that Itsuki can learn more about his Glamsight in his father's grimoire.

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9 Dicembre 2007
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