Pagina dell'episodio'

1x11 - After War Gundam X

Don't Think, Just Run!

Poster della serie After War Gundam X

Carris pauses, beam saber held over the GX's cockpit. He tells Tifa that Garrod's life depends on her, and begins to lower the saber, heating the cockpit to a burning red. She exits to the roof and Carris takes her away. The Gundam X still lies helpless on the ground, and the other two gundams collapse as the bits leave them. Ennil grumbles about Garrod's survival, and then wonders why a Vertigo was there. In the infirmary, Witz and Roybea complain to Tonya and Sarah about their bandaging abilities. The captain comes to check Garrod, and he begins to scream in mental agony. They begin to talk about the newtype they came searching for beating them, and Witz begins yelling about saving Tiffa for Garrod's sake so he can calm down. While supervising gundam repairs, Kid has an idea and requests that Jamil let him upgrade the GX. Jamil agrees, and asks Kid to help Techs in a favor for him (curing his cockpit phobia).

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14 Giugno 1996
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