Pagina dell'episodio'

1x12 - Patlabor: The New Files

Two in Karuizawa

Poster della serie Patlabor: The New Files

Goto and Shinobu are returning from a conference in Karuizawa. Shinobu has sprained her ankle by falling down the stairs as she left and Goto has had to drive her back. Unfortunately, a typhoon is headed for Tokyo and they end up in the middle of the storm. Every way they turn there are traffic jams and road closures. Shinobu refuses to return to the conference because of the embarrassment of spraining her ankle. There's no way to get back to Tokyo. Instead of waiting it out, Goto suggests they stop over at a motel for the night and drive back the next morning. The only problem is that there is only Love Motels in the area, not normal ones. Feeling a little nervous about the prospect, Shinobu reluctantly agrees to spend the night at one of these places. Goto of course doesn't really care where he spends the night. But could this be Goto's lucky day? This episode explores Goto's unrequited love towards Shinobu and shows that she might feel the same way.

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19 Dicembre 1991
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