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1x12 - Go! Princess PreCure

Kirara and Idol! The Hot Donut Battle!

Poster della serie Go! Princess PreCure

As Yui decides to help the Cures in any way she can, Kirara is offered a gig as a television reporter trying new flavors of donuts. However, the show's regular reporter, Ranko Ichijou, is less than pleased about working alongside Kirara and keeps trying to hog the limelight for herself. The two reporters are put in a battle to decide who gets to sample a new flavor. After Ranko wins a mascot design contest and Kirara wins a reporting contest, they are both pitted against each other in a race dressed as the mascots they designed. Kirara wins the race, but Ranko's determined to keep going even after falling at the finish line inspires the crowd. Just then, Shut targets Ranko and creates a Donut Zetsuborg, whose doughy texture proves challenging. However, using the Crystal Princess Rods, the Cures manage to defeat the Zetsuborg. Afterwards, Kirara has newfound respect for Ranko, who turns out to be one of her upperclassmen.

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19 Aprile 2015
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