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1x13 - The Incredible Hulk

The Hulk Destroys Bruce Banner

Poster della serie The Incredible Hulk

At Gamma Base, Bruce and Betty are testing the new Transmat, a device that can transport an object from one place to another. Bruce volunteers himself as a human test subject, but during the process, the Transmat beam changes him into the Hulk, who is transported to Betty's end of the beam. The Transmat is destroyed by the Hulk, who then escapes from the base. Betty theorizes that Banner's pattern might still be in the machine, and that the only way of getting him back will be to duplicate the original experiment's conditions by putting the Hulk back into the Transmat beam. Approaching the town of Twilight Junction, the Hulk turns back into Banner, who finds out that a Gamma Base scientist has been disintegrated. Thinking that it was Betty, Bruce attempts to hand himself over to the authorities, telling them that he is the Hulk, but with no success. As Betty feverishly works to repair the Transmat before it is shut down and shipped back to the Pentagon, Major Talbot and his Hulkbusters

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8 Ottobre 1983
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