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1x13 - Undressed

The Ex-Files

Poster della serie Undressed

""They Call It Puppet Love"" (Emma/Brian) written by Steven S. DeKnight Brian says sorry to Emma, and buys her a webcam. He surprises her by setting it up. He is ready to have sex, and Emma notices the puppet, Or Mr. Fuzzy, that's what Brian named him, and Emma says that he already broke and doesn't need the puppet. They get past Mr. Fuzzy, and he really wants to have sex, but Emma is scared. Brian then helps Emma through the puppet (she made two actually, one her and one her Brian, when he was affraid.) Brian helps Emma break through, and they proceeds to have sex. This episode ends, as the webcam shoots them having sex and sending it to everyone on the internet who is on Emma's sex therapy site. ""Not Enough RAM"" (Jake/Sarah) written by Graham Flashner & Neil Landau Sarah is all hyped, and calls Jake chicken. Jake then all hyped, and Sarah freaks. It is revealed that Sarah is not ready, and Jake talks to her, about he is ready. She is scared, but it ends all well, when they decide

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11 Agosto 1999
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