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1x14 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Helping the Hard-Rocking Host: Steven S.

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Steven is a rock music expert who dresses like an 80's band reject has fried tri- colored hair,a apartment that's been overpowered by his girlfriend Jackie's stuff,and a diet that's needs more healthy food. When Carson and Kyan take him shopping,he rebels against a paisley shirt and begin throwing things out of the stall.But he calms down when he finds out that Carson is able to work in his awesome collection of band shirts.Jai gives him tickets to an adult puppet show,a beautiful photo of Jimi Hendrix and passes for a walking tour.Kyan agrees that Steven's hair is a work in progress,he helps by getting rid of some of the colors and shaping it.Steven is then given a nose hair trimmer.Ted shows him how to make a wheatgrass smoothie and gives him a blender. Thom decorates the apartment so it looks bigger and to show that Steven exists in it. During the preperation Steven does everything perfectly, except the smoothie. On his arrival to the show, Steven's fellow hosts are amazed and Ste

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2 Dicembre 2003
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