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1x16 - Line Walker

Episode 16

Poster della serie Line Walker

FOON-HEI's son has died and he is very angry. He tries to vent his anger by attacking the traitors in the organization. CHEUK HOI meets up with all the undercover officers. HO-KAN cannot bear it anymore. He reveals his dissatisfaction and he wants to quit the job. HO-KAN meets up with SIN-YAN. SIN-YAN tells him a secret and HO-KAN is deeply shocked. HO-KAN is missing suddenly and he takes away all the money from FOON-HEI. FOON-HEI asks his subordinates to chase after HO-KAN. KA-KEUNG informs CHEUK HOI about it. CHEUK HOI discovers HO-KAN's whereabouts and HO-KAN is trying to commit suicide. Encouraged by CHEUK HOI, SIN-CHING returns to work at the law firm she used to stay before but a child abuse case is troubling her. The police is searching for FOON-HEI since he has made great troubles in town and FOON-HEI is not able to attend his son's funeral. SIU-KA is softhearted and she brings FOON-HEI to the funeral parlor secretly.

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15 Settembre 2014
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