Pagina dell'episodio'

1x17 - Superboy

Birdwoman of the Swamps

Poster della serie Superboy

When a bulldozer is turned over at a construction site TJ and Clark decide to investigate. Clark meets an old indian woman who believes the birds turned over the bulldozer. Clark, as Superboy, moves to bulldozer to its original position and pays a visit to the indian woman. She thinks he is the enemy since he turned the bulldozer back over. She says the construction of a home for the poor is destroying the forests and the wetlands. Mr. Hogan, who is the head of the construction project, orders the indian woman killed. Superboy visits the woman again and she uses a strange spell on him. He collapses in pain, but he is able to weakly fly away from the woman. After he leaves, she is attacked and left unconscious near the swamp by two of Hogan's men. Clark and TJ head to the construction company. They discover Hogan is charging the city top dollar for materials and using low-cost materials that aren't suitable for construction.

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4 Marzo 1989
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