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1x18 - Her Fall Doesn't Cry

Episode 18

Poster della serie Her Fall Doesn't Cry

Not wanting to live in a lie anymore, Alize tells the whole truth to Kadir and disappears. No one gets any news from Alize. Serkan is furious at Alize for revealing the secret, but his love overrides his anger and he starts looking for her. Serkan finds Alize in a place no one could have guessed and asks her to give their marriage another chance. This time it will be a real marriage, without lies. However, Alize is determined not to return to the house she left. So Serkan finds the solution in moving to a new house. Alize will now be the mistress of her own house. He is caught unprepared for this situation. However, Alize, who does not accept defeat in anything, has no intention of failing in this matter. On the other hand, Alize is also nervous about being alone with Serkan. Although they live in the same house, her stubbornness towards Serkan is still unbroken.

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2 Novembre 2023
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