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1x18 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Stand Up and Deliver: Kevin D.

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Kevin loves 3 things: his girlfriend Matilda,stand up comedy,and vintage stuff.Because Matilda's #1 he's asking her to marry him. Problems:His apartment is CHAOS!his clothes are old yet bad,and his act needs a little polishing.So it begins: Carson gets him some vintage jackets and pants,and some new shirts and shoes.Jai takes Kevin to a club to meet up with his mentor Jim Davis for advice and announces that Kevin will be the star. He also suggests that Kevin call Matilda's parents to ask permission to marry their daughter. Kyan gets Kevin a haircut that can be changed into several styles.Ted gets a couple bottles of champagne and show how to make caviar-creme fraiche-toast points. Finally Thom retros Kevin apartment and his best work is in the lounge renamed ""Boom Boom room"".After the Fab 5 leave, Kevin gets ready pretty quick,then he calls Matilda's parents and asks them in English and they bless him. Matilda comes over for the 1st time in 5 months and is amazed at both the apa

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24 Febbraio 2004
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