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1x19 - The Block NZ

Episode 19

Poster della serie The Block NZ

The final week and a two-hour episode. In the first half of the episode teams work hard to complete the backyard and finish off the rest of the house. Sarah and Richard were the winning team with a score of 18.5 out 20. At the conclusion of the final room challenge the teams return to their homes for four weeks before competing in the final challenge. The final challenge consisted of two parts the first part the teams were required to clean and present the house for auction and for final judging. The houses were then judged by New Zealand celebrities who feature on various TV3 shows. The second part to the challenge was for each team to pick one part of the house they would like to see fixed up or improved. After writing down their wishes the final part of the challenge was to have another team carry out that wish for them. The prize for the final challenge determined the order the houses were auctioned in.

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5 Settembre 2012
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