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1x2 - Pokémon Chronicles

The Legend of Thunder (2)

Poster della serie Pokémon Chronicles

Jimmy has confronted Team Rocket agents Attila and Hun, who are about to capture Raikou with the help of the electricity-absorbing Miracle Crystal device. Attila and Hun send out Skarmory and Steelix, catching Typhlosion in a Sandstorm attack and hitting it with Steel Wing. Jimmy's friend Marina sends in her Misdreavus for support, and Jimmy sends his Beedrill to damage Attila's capturing robot. Team Rocket finally retreats, leaving behind the injured Raikou. But even though Jimmy just wants to help, Raikou won't let anyone get close until it finally collapses and is taken to the Pokémon Center. Even at the Pokémon Center, Raikou resents being in captivity. A strange man in a cape runs in to see Raikou for himself—his name is Eugene, and although he promises to help protect Raikou, he knows it's suspicious of people. In fact, the next morning, Raikou breaks out of the Center as soon as it wakes up, and Eugene grabs Jimmy and Marina to follow it in his car.

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30 Dicembre 2001
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