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1x2 - Mine All Mine

Episode 102

Poster della serie Mine All Mine

Eager to tell Val the news that the Vivaldi clan now own Swansea, Max is in for his own surprise when he arrives home to find Val's note announcing she has left him for another man. In panic, Max reseals the note pretending not to have read it. The next day Val discovers what has happened when she sees Max all over the news and hurries back home where Max pretends like nothing has happened. But Val eventually learns that Max does know the truth when she realises the envelope was sealed differently and promises Max that her affair is over. The rest of the Vivaldi family also struggles to come to terms with the new turn of events. While Candy revels in the new press attention, Leo is less than thrilled at his father's new found fame due to the fact that it was through his father's identity that Leo built up his secret £50,000 business. With press swarming around the family, Leo is left to cover-up any mention of his dad's name with his business. Maria also feels the impact, when ex-boyfr

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2 Dicembre 2004
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