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1x2 - The Untold Story

Sex for Sale

Poster della serie The Untold Story

Elizabeth Vargas explores the inner workings of the new sex trade which relies on the internet to tap into a huge demand for sex, intimacy and companionship. This unfiltered look at the secrets, rules and specialties of the sex industry takes viewers on a revealing journey through immersive character-driven portraits of a male escort who promotes himself on social media as the “ultimate boyfriend experience” for women, a grad student-turned-millionaire who, in her live video streams, caters to the unusual fetishes of men she’ll never meet, a woman capitalizing on the benefits of new motherhood, a so-called “naughty lifestyle” mogul who helps couples explore their wildest desires and young women who have sugar daddies they’ve met online pay for their tuition, days at the spa, luxurious travel and more. These entrepreneurs give in-depth details on how they made a living by using the internet to sell sex.

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18 Aprile 2019
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