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1x2 - Queen's Blade

Ambitious Undertaking - Warrior Shrine Maiden

Poster della serie Queen's Blade

Tomoe, a Warrior Priestess, and Shizuka, a Kouma Ninja who has defected, are meditating in the shrine they tend to in Hinomoto. Tomoe decides she is going to travel to the Continent to compete in the Queen's Blade tournament. During the night, the Kouma Ninja attack the temple. As the battle is being waged, one Kouma Ninja sets off a bomb, destroying much of the temple the priestesses occupy. Trapped in the burning buildings, Tomoe and the other priestesses attempt to escape. However, the Kouma Ninja transform into a giant toad which starts killing the priestesses. Eventually, Tomoe gathers her inner strength and defeats the giant toad. She is then saddened by the loss of her friends, and declares she will avenge them and win the Queen's Blade tournament for them. The next morning, Tomoe and Shizuka set off across the sea for the mainland.

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9 Aprile 2009
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