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1x2 - The Real White Queen and Her Rivals

Episode 2

Poster della serie The Real White Queen and Her Rivals

Gregory also brings to vivid life the rivals of White Queen. Margaret Beaufort was a stalwart of the House of Lancaster, the child bride who devoted her life to the cause of her son Henry Tudor. She conspired and schemed against anyone who would deny him his destiny. Gregory captures a woman driven by religious piety and power politics who survives terrible hardship. Anne Neville was the privileged daughter of the most powerful noble in the land, the Earl Of Warwick. As a young woman Anne is sucked into the great power struggles of the period and sees her life transformed from one of gilded luxury into one of terrible danger. Gregory describes how Anne becomes a crucial figure in the dynastic alliances that changed the nation's history.

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24 Luglio 2013
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