Pagina dell'episodio'

1x21 - Dark Angel

And Jesus Brought a Casserole

Poster della serie Dark Angel

Max escapes Manticore and Madame X's clutches with the help of Lydecker. Lydecker and two of his accomplices, knock Max out and chain her to a hotel bed. Lydecker gets drunk while Max sleeps. Max wakes up just as Lydecker is pointing a gun at her and Madam X's people are closing in on them. Lydecker tells her he'll shoot her and then himself and end it all. Max kicks the gun our off his hand, grabs him, and they escape in his Humvee. Meanwhile, the other X5s have gathered with Logan and are trying to come up with a plan to find Max. All are shocked when Max shows up with Lydecker and tells them all she wants them to help her take down Manticore. Though they all mistrust him, eventually, they include Lydecker on the plan -- seeing as he knows the ins and outs of Manticore. Lydecker proves useful when he gouges the eye out of a man who has access to the Manticore labs. Max and Zack use the eye to gain access to the lab. The X5s plant bombs throughout Manticore. Max and Zack plant bo

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22 Maggio 2001
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