Pagina dell'episodio'

1x22 - Yes, Dear

No Room to Spare

Poster della serie Yes, Dear

While eating out, Jimmy and Greg run into Billy, who's been sacked from The District and dumped by his girlfriend, and now works at a restaurant as a birthday-wishing pirate. Until he gets sacked from that job too. When Kim receives an estimate on a bathroom remodel that looks high, Billy -- who used to do bathrooms -- confirms to her that it is high. Jimmy tries to talk Greg into letting Billy do the bathroom for them, but Greg doesn't need the pep talk after Billy says he'll do the job for half the price. Kim brings home a friend from pottery class, Rosanna, who takes an immediate liking to Billy. Billy and Rosanna go out on a date that makes him think they're on the fast track to a relationship -- until Rosanna tells him that she's decided to get back together with a former boyfriend. The news crushes Billy so much that he can't work and, hence, can't finish the bathroom. With the pipes turned off and no running water, Greg and Kim are forced to share Jimmy's and Christine's bathroo

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30 Aprile 2001
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