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1x23 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

The Greatly Raging Mecha Ball

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

From the cellar of a bowling alley, the "Mecha Ball" appears and starts to destroy the city. Because of the Mecha Ball's simple structure, an attack is futile since there is no weak point. Opposing his four eager teammates, Ken decides not to go out, saying that if they attack without a chance for winning, they will only die a useless death. At the same time, Ken watches Jinpei move a pachinko ball with a magnet and gets an idea how to defeat the mecha. When Nambu hears Ken's proposal, he immediately builds a huge electrical magnet in the middle of the alps and decides that the God Phoenix must lure the mecha there. But with the mecha lured halfway to its destination, it changes its course to an international nuclear plant. Ken wants to get into the mecha himself and steer it towards the magnet. Joe wants to stop him, but Ken convinces him and flies away from the God Phoenix. Getting in the mecha alone, Ken defeats the Galactor members and changes the course of the mecha. He destroys the steering panel, making sure the course cannot be changed anymore. As Jun holds her breath and watches, the mecha ball is drawn towards the magnet and explodes. Ken's figure is reflected in the tear-filled eyes of the four teammates, similar to a bird flying in the sky.

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4 Marzo 1973
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