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1x23 - Le Chevalier D’Eon

Out Of The Deepest Love

Poster della serie Le Chevalier D’Eon

Upon witnessing the deaths of the Queen and Anna, Robin shoots at the king, but Broglie protects him and allows him to escape. D'Eon sees another of Lia's memories of her and Maximilien, finding out that he had proposed to her and that she had agreed happily, and that Maximilien disliked the King for keeping him and Lia apart. Maximilien abandoned the King's orders for him to go to Russia, stealing the Royal Psalms and giving them to Lia for her to read instead. While she manages to read the Psalms, she wrote Maximilien a letter claiming that she was unable to do so and rejecting his love. Meanwhile, Maximilien approaches a now hateful Robin, commenting that Robin's ability to actually carry the Psalms is a sign that the Psalms want change to occur in France, and telling him to take revenge for his murdered friends. D'Eon is chased down by palace guards, but Lorenza kills them, and once free he visits Anna's coffin. He then sneaks into Broglie's room and forces him to bring him to the King's chambers. Lia then takes over, asking the King whether he was responsible for the deaths of Anna, Queen Marie, and Lia herself.

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17 Febbraio 2007
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