Pagina dell'episodio'

1x23 - Undressed

Asian Sensation

Poster della serie Undressed

The Porn That Went Bump In The Night"" written by Rick Bitzelberger & Steven S. DeKnight Andy is sick of Joel and that he is still clinging on to his ex-boyfriend. Joel then calls Tommy, Joel's ex, to pick up his things, like letters, tapes, magazines, showing that he really loves Andy and is getting rid of them for good. Andy wants to pick a fight with Tommy because Joel was very down when he broke up with him, and Tommy reveals that he knew that Joel needed better, and that's why he dumped him. Joel and Andy make up, and they proceed to make out. The phone rings, and the machine picks it up. It's Andy's brother, and he tells him that he is stopping by to visit, and he better show his girlfriend that he's been talking about to his parents. [This segment ends, continues with Andy's brother Brick, next episode.] ""Asian Sensation"" (and ""Z Date"") written by Jennifer Johnson & Neil Landau Liz is falling for Z, and she makes out with him, until he has to go. Tina catchs them also befor

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25 Agosto 1999
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