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1x26 - Undressed


Poster della serie Undressed

""He Ain't Gay, He's My Brother"" written by Rick Bitzelberger, Tom Crehan, Steven S. DeKnight & Graham Flashner Joel finds out that Ned is lying about having a girlfriend, and they both figure out that each other is gay. They then come up with a fun plan to play with the brothers' mind so that they could come out to each other. When the brothers come back, They find Ned and Joel talking about tattoos, because Joel is a tattoo artist. Ned is thinking of getting a heart on his ass, and shows the brother his ass. Brick questions about the heart, and Joel interrupts him saying that Andy has a tattoo on his ass. He also reveals that's how they met. Brick questions about his tattoo, and brushes it off. Ned fakes on going forward with the tattoo, and Joel offers them a deal, a 2 for 1. But the thing is that Joel doesn't have enough red dye, so Ned accompanies him to get it from his car, but they actually are listening to the brothers and how they act. They then return, and Brick talks

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30 Agosto 1999
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