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1x29 - The Bold and the Beautiful

Ep. #29

Poster della serie The Bold and the Beautiful

Kristen goes home and informs Eric and Stephanie that Ridge is with Caroline. They all agree that things seem positive and that there still may be a wedding. Ridge calls and shatters that illusion by telling them that Caroline doesn't want him. Kristen feels therefore that it's time for her to return to New York, but Eric asks her to stay. Kristen is unsure and tells Stephanie that they will never get along, but Stephanie says that she would like to try. Margo offers Bill some support in his hour of need. He tells Margo how much he wants Caroline home. Bill later kisses Margo. Bill is concerned when a police offer brings by Caroline's purse, having found it in a park. Ridge tells Bill that Caroline is safe but refuses to tell him where she is. Thorne feels that Ridge should now give Caroline some space, but he is determined to win her back.

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30 Aprile 1987
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