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1x3 - The Real Housewives of Orange County

Upgrading Has Nothing to do With You Honey

Poster della serie The Real Housewives of Orange County

Jeana, Matt and Colton accompany Shane to a college in Arizona, where he tries out for the coach of the baseball team. Left home alone, Kara passes the time by spending money. Kimberly sets off for a girls-only weekend in Palm Springs and things get wild. Still trying to land Brent's business, Slade maneuvers an invitation with Jo to Brent's house for drinks. Jo plays along and bonds with Brent's wife, Cyndi, but later realizes she wants more for her own life. In preparation for their big convention in New Orleans, Vicki & Lauri get a home treatment of Botox. Lauri worries about leaving her daughter, Ashley, in charge of her house, while Vicki worries that Lauri isn't dedicated enough to her career. While Lauri's away, Ashley breaks the rules and has a party. In New Orleans, Vicki and Lauri bond over a shared childhood experience.

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4 Aprile 2006
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